“A Millionaire’s First Love” review

30 Dec

Drama: A Millionaire’s First Love
Genre: Romance
Episodes: None; it’s a movie
Synopsis: Kang Jae-kyung is your typical spoiled rich kid: he’s arrogant, drives sporty cars, and doesn’t get tied down by anything.  As his 18th birthday approaches, he’s set to inherit his grandfather’s fortune, but that comes with a price.  He will have to transfer to a new school in the country side and graduate.  Until then, all access to his penthouse, cottage, and credit cards is denied.
Shortly after having a hard time adjusting to the country life, he meets Choi Eun-whan.  They don’t hit it off automatically, but time shows that they are naturally drawn to each other.  When Kang Jae-kyung discovers something huge about Choi Eun-whan, it changes him completely.
Opinion: 3 out of 5 stars

Review (may contain some spoilers) : I’ve watched a couple dramas in the past that centered around a girl who’s sick and an arrogant boy who falls in love with her, and this movie definitely doesn’t deviate from the cliche storyline.  While the acting wasn’t all that bad, I found myself staring at my computer in a confused state more than once.  The plot moves way too fast for my liking and certain things didn’t make sense.  When reading the summary of this movie, I was excited to see it, and although the ending was an almost-tear-jerker for me, I wished that this standard sick-girl-drama would give something more.  However, I recommend this drama for anyone who loves a good romance story, loves going “awwwww,” and possibly wipe away a few trickling tears.  I do not recommend this movie if you don’t like chick flicks.

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